updated on 2017.01.10
Termination of "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity" Online Services

Thank you for playing the "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity".

We will terminate online services for "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity" on Thursday, April 27, 2017.

Then, We will terminate the purchasing usage rights of Initial D.NET and charging "D Coin".

< Temination Date >

●Purchasing usage rights of Initial D.NET

Sunday, January 15, 2017

●Charging "D Coin"

●Play Stamp

Thursday, January 26, 2017

We will notify at a later date the future schedule of online services termination and Initial D.NET.

For more information

Thanks to kindly ask for your understandings, and please make use of "Initial D ARCADE STAGE" series in the future.

Best regards.
