"D coin" is an item that can be used in a variety of applications.
Your "D coin" will be saved in your "Initial D Driver license".
* "Initial D Driver license" is required when obtaining and using "D coin".
* "D coin" is only item in the online mode. Not available to obtain and use when offline.
* "D Coins" are valid until the last day 2 months later when the "D Coins" were purchased. "D Coins" whose validity expires will be invalid.
* The maximum number of "D coins" to buy is 999. No money exchanges or refunds.
* Transfer or sale of "D Coins" is prohibited. If this is discovered, the Driver's License will immediately become invalid.
Proceed "D coin charge" and get D COIN.
You can select "D Coin charge" in "Initial D Factory" and also during functional tuning.

Moreover, D Coin also available when you get "Play stamp" at the end of the game then collect total 10 pcs.
• Functional Tuning

You can functional tuning with using other than "Driver's points".
I want tuning my car but not enough "Driver's Point".., let's functional tuning with using D Coin in such a time!
• The re-challenge the Upgrade Battle

If you were defeated at "Upgrade Battle" in the "Online Battle", you can retry the "Upgrade Battle" next time without reducing Racer Class gauge.
Hang in there a little more for win.., let's re-challenged to "Upgrade Battle" with using D Coin in such a time!
• The re-challenge the Downgrade battle

If you were defeated at "Downgrade Battle" in the "Online Battle", you can retry the "Downgrade Battle" next time without Downgrading.
Oh, honest mistake in the "Downgrade Battle"... Use D Coin to stop the demotion in such a time!
• My Slot

Spin Slot for "My Character Parts", "My Frame" and "Title".
Many Items are available only in here!
Get many items and show your My Character and Title to rival!
• Barricade

You can install up to three "Barricade" in the course at Online battle.
By installing the "Barricade" in the course, opponent can not select this course.
This course is hard to deal with…Let's put the "Barricade" with using D Coin such a time!
• Ghost

When you retry the "Time Attack", you can be appear "Ghost" as the last racing record.
And more, the distance between your car and Ghost will also be displayed.
If you want to ensure the speed of a little while ago!
Let's allowed to appear "Ghost" by using the D coin such a time!