Game Flow


Insert coin(s) and press START Button to start the game.
If you do not have the "Initial D Driver license", we recommend you to issue "Initial D Driver license" which able to save your play data.

Select a car

Choose your favorite car.

Select Game mode

Choose the mode you want to play.

Type of game mode

- 1 Player -

Legend of the Street
This is a Story mode to one-to-one play against with rivals that appeared in "Initial D".
Time Attack
This is a mode to compete the time to the goal of the course by only your car.
Online Battle
This is a mode to play games with other arcade centers which communication in real time on a one-to-one basis.
Racer Event
This is event mode that held in the regulation for a limited time.

- 2 Players (Tag) -

Operation Kanto
This is a Story mode to Tag team (2 of players) race against Tag rivals who appeared in "Initial D".
Online Tag Battle
This is mode that race Tag play to other Tag team (2 of players) in other Arcade centers with communicate in real time.
In-Store Tag Battle
This is mode that race Tag play to other Tag team (2 of players) in same Arcade center with in real time.

- 2 Players (Battle) -

In-Store Battle
Real time race one-to-one basis in the same arcade center.

Course selection

Choose the course.

Race start

Race will start.
Drive your car and goal!

* There are different game flow from the above depending on the mode you selected.