Insert coin(s) and press START Button to start the game.
If you do not have the "Initial D Driver license", we recommend you to issue "Initial D Driver license" which able to save your play data.

Choose your favorite car.

Choose the mode you want to play.
- Type of game mode
- 1 Player -
- Legend of the Street
- This is a Story mode to one-to-one play against with rivals that appeared in "Initial D".
- Time Attack
- This is a mode to compete the time to the goal of the course by only your car.
- Online Battle
- This is a mode to play games with other arcade centers which communication in real time on a one-to-one basis.
- Racer Event
- This is event mode that held in the regulation for a limited time.
- 2 Players (Tag) -
- Operation Kanto
- This is a Story mode to Tag team (2 of players) race against Tag rivals who appeared in "Initial D".
- Online Tag Battle
- This is mode that race Tag play to other Tag team (2 of players) in other Arcade centers with communicate in real time.
- In-Store Tag Battle
- This is mode that race Tag play to other Tag team (2 of players) in same Arcade center with in real time.
- 2 Players (Battle) -
- In-Store Battle
- Real time race one-to-one basis in the same arcade center.

Choose the course.

Race will start.
Drive your car and goal!
* There are different game flow from the above depending on the mode you selected.