- Updated on 2017.02.01
- Termination of "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity"
Online Services(Sequel)
Thank you for playing the "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity".
We will terminate online services for "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity" on Thursday, April 27, 2017.
Termination of online services below.
- < Unavailable function by termination of online services >
●Partial function in Time Attack
(Automatic application to Time Attack Ranking)
●Online Battle
●Online Tag Battle in Tag Battle
●Continue Ticket
(Getting, Using)
●Linking function with "Initial D.NET"
(Display of Battle Comment, Replacement of My Character Parts and Aero Parts,Racer Team function, Taking Screenshot, etc.)
With the termination, also ends "Initial D.NET" services for the following date.
- < Unavailable function of Initial D.NET >
●All of "Initial D.NET" services
(Login Initial D license, and looking data and rankings, Racer Team, etc.)
- < Temination Date of Initial D.NET >
●Initial D.NET
Monday, May 8, 2017
Thanks to kindly ask for your understandings,and please make use of "Initial D ARCADE STAGE" series in the future.
Best regards.
- Updated on 2017.02.01
- The end of temporary driver's license issue
in "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity"
It will be end of temporary driver's license issue in "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity" cabinet from the following date, because termination of "Initial D ARCADE STAGE 8 Infinity" online services.
- < Temination Date >
●Temporary driver's license issue
Sunday, February 12, 2017
It will be also ended the reissue function of driver's license in Initial D.NET by the end of temporary license issue.
We appreciate your understanding, and please make use of "Initial D ARCADE STAGE" series in the future.
Best regards.